Jess Gaertner

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REVIEW: The Full Focus Planner + My Top 5 Tips for Organizing Your To-Do List

If you know me, I mean REALLLLYYYY know me, you know I’m the most disorganized organized person on the planet. I’m known to some people for my systems and processes, but if you saw me on a day to day basis, you would see that those systems and processes are keeping my sanity hanging on by a very thin thread! But seriously. I’ve resisted for so long the use of a planner. I have a planner graveyard, where planners go to die in our house. I’ve literally tried them ALL.

What I’ve found in my search for the perfect planner is that either they were missing something I needed, they were too simple, too complex, or just didn’t have the intuitive set up that I was searching for…so I always thought I wasn’t a “planner person”. Enter the Full Focus Planner. I was gifted this particular planner by my mentor Cassy Joy of Fed & Fit after jokingly saying I “didn’t need another planner”, and it’s been truly life changing. TRULY.

The truth is after almost a year of use (these are quarterly planners, so I’ve re-ordered them 4 times now!) I reached out to them to see if I could get you guys a coupon code because I truly believe that everyone needs this planner in their lives.

What can you expect to find in a Full Focus Planner you ask? WELL LET ME TELL YOU.

Long term Planning Ability

  • Annual Goals

  • Detailed outlining of goals

  • monthly calendar

  • rolling quarters

  • help creating your daily rituals (how to start, transition, and end your days!)

  • your ideal week


  • Daily pages that make sense

    • Big three task

    • other task space

    • hourly planning

    • ritual checkoffs

    • and plenty of space for ALL THE NOTES

  • Weekly Preview

    • this is how I plan out my week every Sunday

  • Quarterly Review


  • notes

  • sketches

  • index


There’s also so many more online and community based resources to help you maximize your planner! I TRULY LOVE IT. I’ll never order another planner in my whole life, and now they have super fun colors to boot!

You can grab your own Full Focus Planner and use the code JESS5 for $5 off your order!

Plus, I’m letting you in on a little bit of how I organize my life. These are the tips and tricks I teach my team to help them keep track of their full time and part time work, family life, business, and personal goals. I hope they’re helpful!

Tip #1: Create a brain Dump

Make a running/working list of all the things you could possibly do for your business and personal life. This is a working list and includes both income producing activities, education, fun, family responsibilities, etc. Getting all of the things out of your head will not only help you organize but can decrease that feeling of low level anxiety we have when we feel like we might forget something important! I’m always adding to my brain dump as I think of things!


From your brain dump, either star or create a separate list that indicates all of your time sensitive tasks. These are tasks that have a deadline, both immediate and long term. These are the tasks you’ll want to prioritize on a daily and weekly basis.


From your brain dump, either star or create a separate list that indicates all of your tasks that are what I call bottlenecks. These are tasks that if I tackled FIRST, my life would be easier going forward. Typically these tasks are also things that would be eliminated or simplified with a process or system. Thing things you keep doing over and over again that could be automated or made easier.


Based on your time sensitive and bottleneck tasks, make a weekly to-do list. This includes all of the things you could realistically hope to accomplish in an entire week.


From your weekly list, each evening create your DAILY list.  BE REALISTIC WITH YOUR TIME. If you have 30 minutes a day to work, don’t put 5 things down on your list.  Aim smaller and then reward yourself for work well done by spending the remaining time on something non-income producing, or an easy win on your checklist. Each evening, re-evaluate, re-shuffle, and plan for the next day.

I hope you find these organizational tips helpful! These are truly the top 5 things I do over and over again in my life to help keep me organized and moving towards my goals! Tell me, what are your favorite organizational tips and tricks!