Everything Bagel Salmon Bites

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I almost feel guilty writing this out as a recipe because it’s like a non-recipe recipe and can I take credit for that?? Anywho, when I posted about these Everything Bagel Salmon Bite snacks a few months ago you guys LOVED the idea, so I thought I should give it a stable place to live so you guys can come back and find the “recipe” whenever you’re looking for quick, nutritious snack ideas!

These little guys were developed out of part obsession part need. I have a real obsession with any and everything bagel seasoning right now. I put it on my eggs (boiled and fried), my avocado toast, my vegetables, my meat - basically EVERYTHING. I loved it so much, I bought a giant Costco sized container of it, so yeah, you could say we’re in a serious relationship of sorts. I also NEEDED to come up with some quick, easy to make snacks for working from home that were NOT CHIPS. If you don’t already know, I have an equally torrid love affair with tortilla chips, so much so that I used to just eat a bag of tortilla chips and salsa for dinner back in the day…oops!

I LOVE CRUNCHY, SALTY snacks. Just seriously can’t get enough of them, but I quickly decided that I needed to elevate my snack game to a slightly more adult friendly version that also maybeeeee upped the nutrition game a bit as well. Instead of straight carbs, I wanted to mix in some protein and some fats for a little more balance in my bites!

So that’s how these Everything Bagel Salmon Bites were bornd-ed. One part need, one part want, equal parts deliciousness. And it’s so versatile too! Here are some of my favorite notes/variations to make this your own:

Smoked Salmon

A word about the smoked salmon. By now you know I’m a big fan of do the best. you can with what you have. I wholeheartedly recommend trying to find some sustainable, wild-caught smoked salmon as option #1 (I recommend Vital Choice, you can get a discount on your first order with the code MODERNMAMAS) but also, find the highest quality available to you and move on. There are some decent options at Trader Joes, and of course places like Whole Foods, etc. I still haven’t found a salmon that tastes as good and is as high quality as the stuff I get from Vital Choice though!

Soft Cheese

Here’s where you can get really creative with what you have on hand! You can do goat cheese, cream cheese, dairy free cream cheese alternatives, and even a solid schemer of refrigerated coconut cream if you want! For this layer, go crazy baby.

Everything Bagel Seasoning

I’ve used the Everything Bagel Seasoning from Costco and Trader Joe’s, but I also love and value the sourcing behind the line of Balanced Bites spices and it’s on my list to order from there next!


Of course you can also get creative here for your base! I prefer cucumbers, but you could do your favorite cracker, or other crispy veggie too! I bet some cabbage, bell pepper, sliced roasted beets, or really anything that can serve as a sort of base for your toppings would be phenomenal!


Everything Bagel Salmon Bites


  • 4 oz smoked salmon of choice

  • 1 cucumber, sliced

  • approximately 4-6 tablespoons of your soft cheese of choice (I recommend cream cheese or goat cheese)

  • Everything Bagel Seasoning


  1. To assemble your snack, spread a layer of soft cheese on top of a cucumber slice, then top with a sprinkle of Everything Bagel Seasoning.

  2. Then take a layer of smoked salmon and place it on top of your soft cheese, and sprinkle more desired amount of Everything Bagel Seasoning.

  3. Eat and enjoy!