SSBS #003: Myth Busting: Does your cleanser matter?

Good morning you!

There’s a myth in the minimal skincare industry that you shouldn’t put a lot of focus on your cleanser, because they all do the same thing….

Most people will say a cleanser is a cleanser is a cleanser. “Pick what works to get the dirt and grime off”.

They’ll often then go on to say, this is where you can get away with going cheaper or just use your body wash to wash your face because it doesn’t matter.

This belief exists because many people think that you get more skin boosting effectiveness out of products like serums or peels.

You never see any influencers raving about the latest amazing cleanser they love, it’s always “try this mask/peel/serum and you’ll achieve incredible results”! And while it's true that those products are powerhouses, I have to burst that particular bubble because….

They’re wrong. Your cleanser matters.

If you are using the wrong cleanser, the rest of your skincare routine is pointless.

If I use a drying bar of soap to cleanse my face, I’ve already compromised my moisture barrier, and prevented the efficient absorption of nutrients from my toner, serum, and moisturizer.

You’re essentially throwing the money you spent on your products down the toilet because they aren’t doing what you want them to.

I’m not saying you have to spend a lot of money on your cleanser. What I AM saying is that it needs to be the right one for you!

In an article by Well + Good, Joshua Zeichner, MD (a board certified dermatologist) stated:

"A good cleanser will remove dirt, oil, makeup, and pollution without compromising the integrity of the skin barrier. True soaps have an alkaline pH that disrupts the naturally acidic pH of the skin, and harsh soaps and scrubs may strip the skin of essential oils, which leads to inflammation."

Using your traditional soap to wash your face, may not be the best choice - and what you DO choose, can really matter!

Stripping moisture from your skin can result in all sorts of skin issues including dryness, redness, blemishes, blackheads, and more.

If you are looking to get glowing healthy skin, it’s so important to start with the solid foundation of a good, gentle cleanser that works WITH your skin’s natural pH rather than against it.

Here is what you should be doing: finding the right cleanser for your skin type.

If you haven’t done it already, go back and read my FIRST SSBS article to help you find your skin type. If you already have a good idea of what your skin type/needs are, then read on!

Next, I’m going to offer you real world easy solutions for my favorite safer cleansers.

It’s truly that simple.

No new skills needed, you just need to believe that your cleanser matters, and take a moment to make sure it matches up with your skin needs.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Let’s chat cleaner options, skip to your skin type to read about my recommended safer cleanser:

Cleanser #1 Sensitive to Normal Skin

This is a gentle daily cleanser that reminds me most of a safer alternative to conventional cleansers like Cetaphil and Cerave.

It’s more of a cream based cleanser that works to remove makeup and impurities without stripping away moisture.

The specific formula, uses coconut oil and aloe vera, and is really a great option for sensitive skin, and those looking for a minimal cleanser or routine.

Cleanser #2 Oily + Blemish Prone Skin

A daily exfoliating cleanser that effectively removes oil, makeup and impurities, while gently exfoliating.

Made for true oily, acne prone skin, but can be used for other skin types that need a more clarifying cleanser step in their routine.

Works well when used as the second step in a double cleanse.

Cleanses and sloughs without overdrying.

Cleanser #3 Normal and/or Combo Skin

This is a cross between a cream and a foaming cleanser that most closely resembles a “traditional” cleanser to me.

It features squalane, plum oil, and phytic acid to remove face and eye makeup, wash away impurities, and leaves your face feeling clean and soft versus tight and dry.

Cleanser #4 Mature and/or Dry Skin

This is a lightweight, luxurious cleansing oil that easily removes face and eye makeup without disrupting the skin’s lipid surface, leaving the moisture barrier intact.

Great as a daily cleanser, especially at night and as the first step in a double cleanse.

It removes oils and impurities, and then is rinsed away - leaving the skin clean but supple.

Ok friend, see how easy it’s going to be to find the cleanser that will give your skin the foundation it needs to glow up?

I’ve laid out my four go-to safer cleansers, but if you’d like to see some more options I wrote a whole blog post about cleansers that will let you dive deeper!

If you still have questions, prefer a different brand, or need to fit a specific budget, hit REPLY here and I’m happy to help find other options for you!


  • You’re cleanser matters

  • The wrong cleanser can strip needed oils and throw off pH balance

  • Find the right cleanser by finding your skin type

  • Four major cleanser options by skin type

See you again next week friend. Tune in as I take us back to high school days and bright blue acidic toners that burnt your face off.

Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. See what safer skincare line fits your skin type best

  2. Check out my review of magic in a bottle

  3. Follow me on social for quick skin tips

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